Paquette Consulting

Paquette Consulting - Mr. Paquette's Consultation Resume

Philémon Paquette,
B.Sc.Soc. (Hon: Econ), M.A.(Econ), Ph.D. (Business Admin.)

Philémon PaquettePhilémon Paquette received an Honours Bachelor of Social Science degree (Cum Laude) in Economics in 1972, and a Masters degree in Economics in 1974, both from the University of Ottawa. He also received a Ph.D. in Business Administration for his dissertation The Optimal Allocation of Human Resources, from Barrington University (Alabama) in December 1999. Mr. Paquette completed the United States Army Personnel Administration Course in 1966, studied American Law and Procedure for two years through LaSalle Extension University (1966-68). He completed the Public Service Career Assignment Program Training course in 1978, and the Senior Management Orientation course in 1984. Mr. Paquette completed the joint Treasury Board of Canada and Public Service union course in the establishment of a classification standard and in classification in 1978, formal training in the Hay Plan (via a tutorial under Brian Seed the EMR TBS trained trainer) on writing the first new EX work descriptions in 1981 to convert SX positions to the new Hay Plan EGPEP (EX) format, the Universal Job Evaluation Plan Course in 1992, and the UCS Writing Course in 1998, and the UCS Evaluation Course in 1999, formal training on the TBS Executive Group Position Evaluation Plan (Hay Plan) in 2003 (from TOC), and the EC Train the Trainer Course in November 2005. Mr. Paquette trained as a group facilitator with the Insight Educational Institute at the University of Santa Monica from 1987 through 1994.

Mr. Paquette is bilingual and has a security clearance to the Secret level which expires in 2022.

Consulting Experience:


Organization and Classification: Mr. Paquette provided advice as a consultant on the strategic direction, organization design options, accountability allocation, occupational group allocation, job/work design, implementation and revision of new classification standards including negotiation and implementation of the 1983 ES Classification Standard, conversion of the SX to the EX Group, all standards to the UCS (and back), and the development and implementation of the 2007 EC Classification Standard (DOJ, DFO, and OCHRO (as CPSA)), advising the bargaining agent (The Association of Canadian Financial Officers (ACFO)), on employer's exclusion of employees from the bargaining unit, and ACFO and TBS's OCHRO and the OCG on potential changes to the FI Group Classification Standard; the bargaining agent (Canadian Federal Pilots Association (CFPA)), Transport Canada, and OCHRO (as CPSA) on potential changes to the Aircraft Operations (Civil Aviation Inspection) (AO-CAI) Group, and the bargaining agents for the EL Group, i.e. the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW local 2228) and for the LA Group, i.e. the Association of Justice Counsel, on allocation and classification issues. He has appeared before the Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board (PSLREB) on three occasions since 2007 as an expert on occupational group allocation and classification, providing the deciding evidence in two cases. He has advised Treasury Board's Organization and Classification Branch and OCHRO (as CPSA) on the classification of generic CS positions under the UCS and under the CS standard, and on the classification of EX IT positions and advised Treasury Board's OCHRO (then CPSA) on the design and classification of ES, SI, and EC positions. He has advised DFO on the creation of generic AS (internal audit), BI, CO, ES, EC, FI, PG, SI and PC work descriptions, the former HRDC on generic ES work descriptions, and has advised DOJ, DFO, OCHRO (as CPSA), HRSDC and AANDC on the creation and evaluation of generic EC work descriptions. He has drafted all documentation required to obtain approvals including job/work descriptions, evaluations of positions, and Treasury Board Submissions. In addition, he has conducted economic studies to establish the business case for the creation of new (or reconfiguration of old) organizations, studies on the validity of group allocations, and developed rationales and business plans for the creation of alternate service delivery agencies, business process and organizational structural reviews for improved business processes and/or organizational structural change, developed skills/competencies profiles for a range of positions and occupations, and has proven particularly adept at policy, scientific, and IT positions and organizations, and developed reports on improvements in human resource management. Organizations Mr. Paquette has provided similar organization and classification services to include Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, the Association of Canadian Financial Officers (ACFO), the Association of Justice Counsel, the Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE), the Canadian Judicial Council, the Canadian Public Service Agency (now TBS OCHRO, the Canadian Federal Pilot's Association (CFPA), the Canadian International Development Agency, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Canadian Transportation Agency, the Canadian Tourism Commission, Correctional Service Canada, the Department of National Defence, Emergency Preparedness Canada, Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Health Canada, Heritage Canada, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, the Immigration and Refugee Board, Industry Canada, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, the International Joint Commission, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 2228, the Department of Justice Canada, The Leadership Network, Library and Archives Canada, the National Parole Board, Natural Resources Canada, the Professional Association of Foreign Service Officers, the Privy Council Office, Public Service Commission, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Transport Canada, the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat.

Group Facilitation and Training: Mr. Paquette has facilitated hundreds of trainings in time/productivity management, planning, goal setting, stress management, dealing with difficult people, problem solving, personal effectiveness, communications, client-service delivery, dealing with difficult people, self esteem, etc.. He has also provided consulting services on team building and strategies to improve client services, developed training programs. He has provided training to federal public servants on writing and evaluating work descriptions under the Universal Classification Standard, and on mentoring, provided training HR Advisors in classification of CSC on the application of the FI Classification Standard, and to labour relations advisors of ACFO on classification. Organizations to which Mr. Paquette has provided group facilitation and training services include Industry Canada, the Canadian Tourism Commission, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Training and Development Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the Cansem Institute Inc., the Canadian International Development Agency, and ProAction Inc.

Community Development: Mr. Paquette provided consulting services to the Co-Chairs and to the Regional Economic Development Ottawa (REDO) Board of Directors, by developing a strategic plan to drive the REDO project to assist the Ottawa-Carleton region to adjust to the reduction of 15,000 positions in the National Capital Region, and to the Mayor and City Council of Claremont New Hampshire on the economic revitalization of the City of Claremont and Sullivan County.

Proposal Writing: Mr. Paquette has designed several requests for proposal (RFPs) for a number of agencies for projects with a value ranging from $25,000 to $1.1 Million. With respect to the largest of these, Mr. Paquette designed for Industry Canada the request for proposal for the $ 1.1 Million Investment Skills Development Program, Investment Facilitation Toolkit, and Information Exchange Mechanism for the Canada Community Investment Plan, and then served as Chair of the Bid Evaluation Committee.

Management and Representation: Mr. Paquette served for nearly two years (1996-1998) as a consultant to the twenty-seven existing industry associations at that time (and as interim manager of the 28th) known as the sectoral human resource councils (or Sector Councils) established by industries in collaboration with HRDC to improve human resource management through development of national occupational skills standards, identification of skills gaps and supply/demand imbalances, development of national industry curricula, training etc.. His roles were to serve as Secretary and COO of the Sector Councils' Steering Committee (now The Alliance of Sector Councils), assist emerging councils, identify and manage common projects, develop and implement marketing and communications strategies for the Sector Councils as a group, represent the Sector Councils in dealings with the provincial governments, federal departments and other organizations.

Public Service Experience:

1983-1987  Director, Strategic Planning, Mineral Policy Sector, Energy, Mines and Resources (EMR, now NRCan)

Major challenges were to deliver an effective environmental scanning and issues identification function to the Assistant Deputy Minister, provide the Minister with an effective communications strategy, manage the interdepartmental consultation process on the amendment of the legislative base of the Department and resolution of the mandate overlaps Industry Canada and EMR-Minerals; manage the parliamentary enquiries into the Department's mandate and operations, the production of Main Estimates III, and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the 150 person sector through reorganization, training and information technology strategies.

1981-1983  Director, Policy Planning and Coordination, Mineral Policy, EMR

There were five major challenges. The first was to develop an economic outlook which would underpin proposals for changes in the policy development and program efforts of the Sector, the organization structure necessary to support the change in direction, and the human resources management (HR planning, OL, EE, training, etc.), technology, and communications strategies to support the realignment of human resources, skills, and achievement of stated policy objectives. The second was to manage concurrent research programs in international mineral trade, mineral transportation, technology assessment, and in labour economics. The third was to manage the production of Main Estimates III for the Sector in collaboration with the Sector financial advisor, and manage both an A-Base Review by Treasury Board and a Comprehensive Audit by the OAG including production of all evidentiary data for both. The fourth was to manage the conversion of the ES and SX positions to their new respective standards. The fifth was to serve as Secretary of the 22 member Interdepartmental Committee on Minerals.

1978-1981  Head, Coordination and Development Group, Mineral Policy Sector, EMR

Major challenge was coordinating all policy and program planning for the 3,000 plus person Minerals Program of the Government of Canada at EMR, as well as all multi-year, operational, human resources (EE, OL, etc.), and communications plans for the Mineral Policy Sector.

1975-1978  Economist, Mineral Economics Division, Mineral Policy Sector, EMR

1974-1975  Economist, Long Range Economic Planning Branch, Department of Finance

1973-1974  Policy Analyst, Policy Research and Long Range Planning Branch, Health and Welfare Canada

Volunteer Experience:

1998-Present  Director (1998-2022), Association of Classification and Organization Consultants, a non-profit organization for the development and marketing of members and member firms, Ottawa, Ontario; President, 1999-2022. In his capacity as spokesperson for the ACOC, Mr. Paquette has made presentations to the Bilson Task Force on Pay Equity, and on three occasions to the ADM Classification and his Senior Team at Treasury Board/CPSA and has acted as liaison to the successor positions of that position at OCHRO, on classification and classification management issues in the Public Service.

1999-2001  Director of the Ottawa-Carleton Training Board (OCTB), Chair of its Policy and By-Laws Committee, Corporate Secretary and member of its Executive Committee. The OCTB was based on the "local board" model of HRSDC, jointly funded by, and responsible for advising HRDC Ontario and the Ontario Ministry of Training and Education on ways and means to improve the performance of the labour market for the Ottawa Region. Chair of the Education and Training Reference Group of the OCTB responsible for soliciting and coordinating the advice of the education and training community of Ottawa Carleton (i.e. universities, colleges, community trainers, private trainers, and school boards) to HRSDC Ontario and the Ontario METD.

1983-1994  He served as founding Chair & CEO of the Cansem Institute Inc, a non-profit training company with operations in Ottawa, Toronto, and Vancouver. He also served as a group facilitator in Ontario, and was the first Canadian approved by the US parent company to facilitate the Insight I Seminar.

1975-1989  He served as Vice Chair, Secretary, and Session Chair (several times) with the Mineral Economics Committee of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

1975-1977  Vice President of the Economists' Sociologists' and Statisticians' Association (ESSA), Chair of the Finance Committee of ESSA, Vice Chair of the Negotiating Committee and Negotiating Team, Vice Chair of the Classification Committee (and principal strategist behind the strategy which won the block conversion); representative of the ES Group on the National Joint Council Official Languages Committee, and on the Advisory Committee on Pay Research of the Public Service Staff Relations Board. He also served as Chief Steward for ESSA at Energy Mines and Resources in 1977-1978.

Other  Mr. Paquette is an authorized facilitator offering courses and seminars of Peace Theological Seminary and College of Philosophy and MSIA Canada Inc.. He has held a number of leadership roles with the March of Dimes, Public Service United Way Campaign, and the CHEO Fundraising campaigns, and is also a United States Army veteran (Personnel Administration), and a former systems analyst and sales representative of A-M Corporation in Washington D.C.